Window cleaner
If you don't have the right tools to do the job, cleaning windows can be difficult. Add this useful eraser brush to your cleaning supplies so that you can clean all glass surfaces in your home without streaks or dripping water. Use this tool on sliding glass doors, windows, mirrors, etc.

Travel essential
Tthis spray knife is a perfect tool for keeping the windshield clean during road travel. When you drive for a period of time, your windshield will be stained with bird droppings and insects, making it difficult for you to see. Use this simple scraper tool to keep your car original and clear.
Clean your windshield
Add this windshield scraper to your car wash. It can easily remove the water on the glass surface and prevent water stains and hard water residue. You can see clearly with this rubber brush. Whether you like to wash your car at home or not, it's a great tool.
Equipped with spray bottle
Our car wiper is equipped with spray bottle, so you can spray more water to the windshield when needed. You can also fill the spray bottle with soap and water solution to better clean the windows. In addition, this spray bottle is removable to help you to add more easily.Stripless cleaning
While they are thorough, automatic car washes often miss water droplets here and there, leaving nasty water spots. Put this automatic glass cleaner in the trunk of your car so you can get it at any time. Whether you are driving a large truck, a small vehicle, an SUV or an RV, this scraper is the perfect choice for getting no stripe cleaning.